Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Those dark dark things...
(advertising hides)

If advertising is an art,
That only a few can find,
Embedded in their heart,
And creativity were a reckless game,
Tamed by passions that are born untamed…
Life itself would be an ad,
And all the world a 40 inch screen,
Where people like the ones you see,
Crouching behind those aromatic trees,
Inhaling the perfumes of the seas,
Make the sky bend down and scream,
In pure rage, for the human race,
That cannot seem to see it straight,
180 degrees, 365 days,
we lived in pleasant yet distant grace…
that to their world felt like disgrace,
those who believe in swatting flies,
with rolled up papers that print white lies,
it rocks the world this crazy thing,
an idea that lacks a zing ,
but carries off an entire team,
up to the peak of an endless realm…
fables, stories, withches and kings,
those unsaid hidden dark dark things….


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